Air Raids over Eastleigh 1939-1945

Paper Number: 

The following brief summary of major incidents that took place in Eastleigh during the Second World War is drawn from the official accounts, a report in the Southern Daily Echo and records kept by a number of people living in Eastleigh at the time.
Mrs. D. Knight recorded the duration of every siren warning that was given and from the first on 7th June, 1940, to the last on 7th November, 1944> she has noted 1,590 alerts, not much different from the official figure of 1,469.
Eastleigh was not considered to be in a danger zone. Sick people and pregnant women were brought here from Gosport and pupils from the Grammar School came for the duration, occupying the new North End School building. Casualties in the town were comparatively light and were mainly due to proximity with Southampton. Death and damage to property were nevertheless
harrowing for the families who suffered.

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