The Old School Theatre, Allbrook

Paper Number: 

The story of The Old School Theatre in Pitmore Road, Allbrook, is one of a dedicated group of
people on one side, and on the other, a building waiting to serve some useful purpose after being
declared redundant. The coming together of the two brought new life and vigour to both. In such
a story it is sometimes difficult to decide which should take precedence in the telling - the people or
the place. Since, however, the building was in existence before any of the people were bom, we
begin with the building.

On August 25th 1873 Henry Wheeler, of Allbrook Sawmills, who owned a great deal of land in
the area, signed an agreement with Julian Bargus Yonge (Rector of Otterboume) and Herbert Smith
(farmer and Churchwarden). He presented to these gentlemen and their successors land on which a
school had already been built. A plan of the site included in the document places the land and
building to the west of the public footpath from Allbrook village to Otterboume. This footpath was
later to become School Lane and, later still, Pitmore Road. The building was for the education of
the young of the parish and for the celebration of divine worship. The whole property - land and
building - was to revert to Henry Wheeler or his heirs, should it no longer be used for educational
purposes - “to all intents and purposes as if these presents had not been made”. The original
document is held in the Records Office in Winchester

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