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Market Street

Central Eastleigh - Aerial View


Bank holiday market behind Railway Institute in upper Market Street
27 August 1973


The original market behind Railway Institute in upper Market Street
21 September 1972

E Pink

Confectioner and Tobacconist
102 Market Street

Allen & Knight

Morning after the fire caused by Arson
61 Market Street

F C Parker Draper

61 Market Street on the corner of Factory Road

Balls Haberdashery

122 Market Street
Shop run by Mr & Mrs Kneller

J Kennedy

J Kennedy book seller and stationer, fancy bazaar
86 Market Street

Varnes Pork Butchers

There were two Varnes butchers shops one was at 217 High Street and the other was at 55-57 Market Street
Which is shown here?
The photo has written on the back of it next door (south) of the Salvation Army

Southampton Corporation Electricity Showroom

4 Regal Buildings, Market Street Eastleigh
Celebrating coronation of George VI
May 1937


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