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High Street

Central Eastleigh - Aerial View

Co-op Bomb Damage

Dibley's hairdressers

Dibley's hairdressers after a fire
On the corner of Grantham Rd and High Street
Quarter to 9 on Sunday 8 October 1972


Unknown shopper in Torbock's self service store
1 April 1954
Note that she is carrying a ration book.

Torbock's Self Service Store

26 to 28 High Street
Manager Mr H L Sims in centre of picture
1 April 1954

A G Penny Fishmonger

38 High Street

Varnes Pork Butchers

There were two Varnes butchers shops one was at 217 High Street and the other was at 55-57 Market Street
Which is shown here?
The photo has written on the back of it next door (south) of the Salvation Army

Rundell Hill Corn and Seeds Merchants

16 High Street Eastleigh

Design for new Co-op

The new co-op as planned.
Corner of High Street and Factory Road?

New Co-op

Was this on the corner of High Street and Factory Road?


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