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Central Eastleigh

A History of My House

Paper Number: 

A history of 14 Chalvington Road Eastleigh. This shows how much interesting history can be discovered by studying an ordinary house.

The Home Tavern

Map of Eastley 1812

Central Eastleigh - Aerial View

VE Day street party in Campbell Road

Random Air Raids on Eastleigh

Paper Number: 

This paper describes air raids which appear to be random, perhaps pilots jettisoning their loads on the way back to base.

The Air Raid of 8th October 1940

Paper Number: 

This paper describes an air raid caused damage in a number of areas in Eastleigh including the Railway Works, Pirellis, and the Co-op store in High Street.

The Bombing of the Airport

Paper Number: 

This paper describes bombing of the airport in August and September 1940

Air Raid Shelters in the Borough of Eastleigh (An Additional Discovery)

Paper Number: 

This paper covers passages discovered on 4th February 2015 under Leigh Road Recreation Ground.

Air Raid Shelters in the Borough of Eastleigh

Paper Number: 

This paper describes a number of air raid shelters in Eastleigh during WW2. These range from large public shelters such as the one under the Leigh Road Recreation Ground to small private shelters.


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