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Shops & Businesses

The Home Tavern

South Hants Motor Engineering

The South Hants Motor Engineering Works.
Now the site of the Co-operative supermarket at Fryern Hill

Swan Centre

Swan Centre on opening day
Photo is dated 5 July but what year was it?

Swan Centre

Swan Centre nearly ready
Date ?

Swan Centre

Swan Centre nearing completion
Date ?

Swan Centre

Architects design for the Swan Centre


Bank holiday market behind Railway Institute in upper Market Street
27 August 1973


The original market behind Railway Institute in upper Market Street
21 September 1972

Eastleigh Hotel

Eastleigh Hotel Southampton Road before WW2

Dairy Bottling Equipment

Hampshire Co-operative Federal Dairy in Derby Road
1 April 1954
Suction filling machine on the right, sterilized bottles on the left.


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