W E Sansome Provisions

When? - probably at the coronation in 1963
Number 65 but which street?



When I was a child, this shop was in Market Street, just south of Factory Road. Today this is part of the Swan Centre. There was an off licence on the SW corner of Market Street and Factory Road and I think Will Sansome's shop was next door. A few shops down was the bakery owned by Frank Simmons. On the next corner down was Ayleys (sp?) cycle shop. There were other shops in this block including a sweet shop and some sort of a library.

This shop was indeed in Market Street. My parents lived in the flat above the shop when they were first married in 1932. Mr and Mrs Sansome were lovely people. I seem to recall mum saying that Mrs Sansome's maiden name was Simmons, and the cake shop was her father's shop. On the opposite side of the road, Mrs Cross had a glass and china shop, and I seem to recall a shop next to (or near) Mrs Cross had books on a display bench outside. I think there was a barber's shop near Sansome's.

Further to Rita Chapman's comments, I think the bookshop she is referring to was Fay's Bookshop, which my late mother was want to visit in the late 40's or early 50's.

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