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Members will need to log in to add to our Coronavirus blog.
This web site had a technical problem and has been off air for a few weeks. I would like to congratulate those people who have been updating the blog and would like to fill in the recent gap.
The vaccination program is going very well (31-5 million to date) and older people are having their second jabs (5.4 million to date). As a result of this, and the lockdown, the death rate has gone down enormously an the seven day average death rate in England is now 248 per day. Schools reopened about 3 weeks ago and the lock down has been relaxed so that 6 people or two households can meet outside. Non-essential shops are still closed and we must wait another week, until 12th April, to see if they will re-open as planned,
The future of summer holidays is still uncertain as many overseas locations such as France, Spain, Italy and Germany are having another wave of the virus.,
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