The History of the Junction Hotel

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The Junction Hotel was sited at the northern end of the space in front of Eastleigh Station, opposite the Home Tavern. It was pulled down in 1970 to make way for the present station car park. The following notes give an account of its construction and early history.From the following report, which appeared in the Hampshire Advertiser dated Saturday 286 August 1841, it would seem that the Junction Hotel was in the course of erection in August of that year:

"COUNTY BENCH - On Thursday. This being the annual licensing day, the court was somewhat crowded; and the magistrates determined on hearing all the opplications first ond then deciding on them arterwmds. Thomas Slade, fo, o house at Stolrc, near the terminus of the
Gosport Branch. The house was at present in an unfinished state, and of course the case was at once passed over".

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