Eastleigh Loco Works and Running Shed 1928-34

Paper Number: 

I first became associated with Eastleigh in October 1928 when I was transferred from Fratton Loco
Running Shed to Eastleigh Works as a Boilersmith’s Apprentice. I reported to the Staff Office
and was taken to the Boiler Shop where I was to work. I was interviewed by Mr Staples, the
Assistant Foreman, who wanted to know the kind of work I had been doing at Fratton. When I told
him, he said none of it would be of use to me in the Works as it was classed as semi-skilled work
and done by semi-skilled men. As far as boiler making was concemed I knew nothing at alI. I had
to start at the bottom which was rivetting. The Rivet Gangs were made up of a Rivetter, a Holderup,
on Apprentice and a Fireboy. The latter was a boy between fourteen and sixteen years of age
waiting to commence his apprenticeship or a man on a light job. The Rivetter gave me a long
shafted hammer and innocently I said: "What do I do with it?" He looked at me in disbelief and
disgust and said: "After I hit the rivet, you hit it". This was double-handed rivetting. I had never
seen it done before, let alone do it. The Rivetter sent for the Foreman and said: "I have my piecework
to earn and cannot spare the time to teach him to use a hammer". Other apprentices at my
age could do a boilermaker’s work and I could not even use a hammer. Mr Staples was right; I did
not know anything about boilermaking. After he had seen several Chargemen, who all turned me
down, one agreed to give me a trial. I think he was told if I could not earn my piece-work it would
be made up from the offrce. The Chargeman was Sid Shipp, who was an easy going quiet man.
Maybe that was why he gave me a chance as most Chargemen were strict and hard. There was
only three of us on the "Gang", the other being John Lowe, a young boilermaker just out of his
time. There were only four gangs in the Works, known as Patchers because they repaired all the
fireboxes. I was fortunate to get on one of them as it was as high as an apprentice could get and I
remained with my two Mates all the time I was in the Works.

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