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Many of us love a day at the Races! The evocative names of the racecourses: Epsom, Newmarket, Newbury, Salisbury and so on, conjure up those glorious sunny days when you followed your
favourites with tingling excitement as they galloped at full speed towards the winning post.Perhaps you recall that your horse was usually bringing up the rear and almost invariably you lost
that bet you placed with complete confidence on the ‘dead cert’! Sometimes, and rarely, you had the thrill of a successful day financially. Always you had the pleasure of a day in the fresh air with
all the sights and smells and noise of a racecourse.
But who has heard of Chandler’s Ford Races? Who can imagine the roar of the crowd, the thunder of hooves, the cries of the punters in that part of the Borough of Eastleigh? It is certain that nobody
now living will recall these local Meetings. But it is true that there were splendid and colourful Races at Chandler’s Ford! They were held over 100 years ago on the land where now there are the
houses and roads of Valley Park. This is the true story of a fascinating part of our town’s history For its background we must look to Southampton, because our own Races started as a consequence
of their race meetings having been abandoned.
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