Peter Green's

Furniture showroom
Photo has the date 7 June 1969 on itbut the man on the bike looks as if he is dressed for winter
Factory Road?


It was built in 1873 and used by "Bishopstoke Brewery" until 1886 after which various company's used the building (Biscuit Manufacturers, School House & Engineering) until 1914. In 1914 "The Fair Oak Dairy Company" operated from there until 1966 when Peter Green took over the premises to accommodate his successful Carpet & Furniture Sales business that commenced in 1956. The Peter Green business moved to premises in School Lane, Chandlers Ford in 1985 so part of the Swan Centre could be accommodated on the land this shop stood on. Peter and Norah Green were popular local characters who both contributed greatly to the local community, for which, Peter received the honor of "Freeman of the Borough"; following Peter's death in 1980 Norah became Chairman of the company and Tim McGuire (yet another notable local character) became managing director and ran the company until his unexpected demise.

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