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St Boniface Church

St Boniface
About 1920 - note that the chancel has not yet been added

St Boniface Church

Interior of St Boniface
In 1930?

Hursley Road

Probably in the 1920's
What was this shop?

War Memorial

Remembrance Day at the war memorial
Date ?

War Memorial

View of the war memorial looking up Hursley Road
Note the open fields in the background

War Memorial

Gas Showroom

Corner of Winchester Road and Hursley Road
We remember this as the gas showroom.
Was this always the role of this shop?
Date of photo is not known but it looks as if it was between the wars.

Gas Showroom

Old gas showroom?
Corner of Hursley Road and Winchester Road

Chandlers Ford Station

Demolition work - presumably when the station closed

Chandlers Ford Station

Date unknown


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