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House off Park Road
Built early 20th century, now converted into flats

Merdon House

Sale notice

Merdon House

Merdon House Chandlers Ford about 1930.
Demolished in 1950s.

Hursley Park

South front of Hursley House

Hursley Races

Hursley point to point races in 1913

Leigh House

Built in 1900 as a workhouse
Became a sanatorium in 1921
Demolished when ??
Where was it ??


Milestone in Hursley Road, near entrance to North Millers Dale
Was been move about 30 yards to Hursley
Is it still there?

Hiltonbury Farmhouse

Photo taken 24 February 1977

Hiltonbury Farmhouse

Photo 9 Jan 1975

Hiltonbury Farm

Taken in 1983 Built early 17th century on the site of an earlier cottage


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