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Shops & Businesses

Eastleigh Working Men's Club

In Upper Market Street

Faioak Dairy Office Staff

Left to Right
Ida Clarke, Dorothy Teed, Tom Upworth, Flo Cox, Dash Sampson, Dash Strevens, Rowntree, Humphries, Percy Anderson, Dorothy Elton, Ted Wilcox, George Hutchinson, Dorothy Tubbs
Date ?

Fairoak Dairy

Armistice Day 11 November 1918

Fairoak Dairy

Factory Road
When was this taken? Carnival or Armistice in 1918?

Co-operative Restaurant

Formerly the Beehive
Where was this located?

Peter Green's

Furniture showroom
Photo has the date 7 June 1969 on itbut the man on the bike looks as if he is dressed for winter
Factory Road?

Railway Works

Railway works - Aerial View
Date not known

Thurlow's Off Licence

Twyford Road


At the corner of Market Street and Derby Road
Market Street sub-post office
30 Jan 1975


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