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Central Eastleigh

Pink Family

The Pink family.


Refreshments and Cigarettes
Where - Market Street??

F C Parker Draper

61 Market Street on the corner of Factory Road

Foresters Procession

22 June 1907

W E Sansome Provisions

When? - probably at the coronation in 1963
Number 65 but which street?

High Street Eastleigh

Probably looking North

E A Chard Butcher

Which Street?
What was the occasion and when was it?

L Hall Butcher

6-8 Factory Road


We do not know anything about this photo

Notice says First Prize Heifer bred and fed by Mr A Brown Hill Farm Southampton

Varnes Pork Butchers

There were two Varnes butchers shops one was at 217 High Street and the other was at 55-57 Market Street
Which is shown here?
The photo has written on the back of it next door (south) of the Salvation Army


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