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Chandlers Ford Cricket Club

The cricket club in 1924
L to R at the back T Munn (scorer) H Hiscock (umpire), J Horton, W West, W Shepperd, M Reid, W Sherwood, J Fry (Vice President), T Hayne

L to R at front W H Carpenter (Vice-president), S Hobbs (Hon Secretary), E Cooper, F Taylor, R Betteridge (Captain), R Damer, E Biddlecombe, P Draper.

In front of the pavilion in Hursley Road

Chandlers Ford Football Club

Chandlers Ford FC in 1895-6
Does anyone know any names?

Red Cross

Red Cross in 1922
At the corner of Lakewood Road and Merdon Avenue
What was the special occasion

Chandlers Ford Carnival

Carnival people at the top of Leigh Road in 1919


Chandlers Ford Carnival in Sept 1919


Chandlers Ford carnival
At Fryern Hill opposite the Halfway House
In 1924?

South Hants Motor Engineering

The South Hants Motor Engineering Works.
Now the site of the Co-operative supermarket at Fryern Hill

Celebrating Peace

Group of local residents celebrating peace after World War 1.

Who were they and where is this?

The King Rufus

The King Rufus, formerly the Mount Hotel
In 1950

Fryern Hill

Group of youngsters in 1914
On the site of what is now the Co-operative supermarket near the Fryern Arcade.
Does anyone know who they are?


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