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Shops & Businesses

Varnes Pork Butchers

There were two Varnes butchers shops one was at 217 High Street and the other was at 55-57 Market Street
Which is shown here?
The photo has written on the back of it next door (south) of the Salvation Army

Southampton Corporation Electricity Showroom

4 Regal Buildings, Market Street Eastleigh
Celebrating coronation of George VI
May 1937

Rundell Hill Corn and Seeds Merchants

16 High Street Eastleigh

Eastleigh Women's Co-operative Guild

From nine Elms

Carnival Float - Eastleigh Co-op Women's Guild

Ladies took part in first march to Aldermaston with Michael Foot, Lord Soper, etc (Ban the Bomb)

Design for new Co-op

The new co-op as planned.
Corner of High Street and Factory Road?

New Co-op

Was this on the corner of High Street and Factory Road?

Army Cadets outside the Co-op


Co-op 3

Cycles, prams, mangles and garden tools

Co-op store 2

Where was this?


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