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Lou Meadon cuts her cake Was this a special birthday?
One of Eastleigh's oldest council houses. Lou Meadon's house in Oakmount Road 27 September 1984
See picture of her house
In 1897 but exactly where?
The cottage Oakmount Road 12/7/1984
This photo has written on the back of it " Ford Choir 15/7/92 " We know no more.
At Fryern Hill in Winchester Road 21 June 1979
At Fryern Hill, Winchester Road near the junction with Brownhill Road. 21 June 1979
Chandlers Ford Recreation Club FC 1939-1940
At the rear L-R W Biddlecombe, F Kendle, H Gribble (Captain)
In the middle K Biddlecombe, W Naish, A Webb, R Sharp
In the front C Godden, E Brett, E Mould, F Godden, W Darter
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