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Methodist Church Fryern Hill

Photo dated Nov-Dec 1969

Methodist Chuch at Fryern Hill

Dated Nov - Dec 1969

Chandlers Ford Library

This photo has the date 19 May 1983.
Is this when the library was opened?

Chandlers Ford Library

Mobile library van outside Chandlers Ford Library in Hursley Road.
Was this the predecessor of the present library at Fryern Hill?

Fryern Arcade

The Stairway Restaurant
At the opening of the Fryern Arcade?

Fryern Arcade Opening

At the opening of Fryern Arcade
Rupert Davies who played Maigret

Fryern Arcade - Architect's Drawing

Cambridge Drive

North End, nature park at Cambridge Drive Chandlers Ford

Fryern Hill Hospital

Fryern Hill Hospital, Chandlers Ford

Where exactly was this?
What happened to it?


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