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Eastleigh People

Torbock's Self Service Store

26 to 28 High Street
Manager Mr H L Sims in centre of picture
1 April 1954

Mr & Mrs Pink

Mr & Mrs Pink?

Pink Family - Later

At the back L-R
Edith - daughter
Edwin - son and railway guard
Lucy Katherine - daughter

At the front
Edwin Victor Pink - father
Minnie - daughter
Isabel - mother

Edwin Pink

Grandfather Pink and Family (early)
Father - Edwin Victor Pink
Mother - Isabel
Son - Edwin
Baby - Edith
Daughter Lucy Katherine

Pink Family

The Pink family.

Foresters Procession

22 June 1907

Eastleigh Women's Co-operative Guild

From nine Elms

Carnival Float - Eastleigh Co-op Women's Guild

Ladies took part in first march to Aldermaston with Michael Foot, Lord Soper, etc (Ban the Bomb)

Army Cadets outside the Co-op


Cox Family Wedding

In 1935


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